Why Salesforce Lead Object Is Essential for Success in Sales and Marketing

A successful marketing strategy is, by default, useless unless potential clients bite the bait you’ve used to lure them in. Those who have bitten the bait, but have not yet been reeled in are what you would call “leads.” Leads are the building blocks of what could possibly be an actual sales opportunity. But countlessContinue reading “Why Salesforce Lead Object Is Essential for Success in Sales and Marketing”

When Cost Cutting becomes cash losing

Dear Friends Thanks a lot for reaching out. Today I want to share wit you a couple thought about cost cutting on any size company. The first, what is the meaning of the cost cut?, very simple, to optimize and make your operation work on a more lean basis, reducing all expenses that does not contributeContinue reading “When Cost Cutting becomes cash losing”

Is your Sales Planning allright?

As every business, we have to be aware of settling down all the expectations to the cold world of mathematics, which take us down to forcely plan our activities well and to forecast what our result would be. Key factors is that our marketing and sales expense has to be well balanced through the wholeContinue reading “Is your Sales Planning allright?”

Why International Work Experience Pays off more than the most prestigious MBA

During my whole career life, i have been talking with many coallegues and friends about what motivated myself for being a constant expat. As you can see in my Resume, i took already this decision 2 times in less than a 10 year timeframe. At the first time, i moved from Chile to Tokyo-Japan, theContinue reading “Why International Work Experience Pays off more than the most prestigious MBA”

Neuromarketing in the 21st Century

In the last decade, we have been thinking on how shall we study our customer, making tons of studies, tons of polls, tons of whatever stat method in order to get a more clear view on how our customer reacts, feel, want and decide over a certain product category. Now, with the fine tech advancingContinue reading “Neuromarketing in the 21st Century”